
One of the most rare but beautiful things in life is the ability to listen! Its not when youre nudging with your head while the other person is speaking, its not when youre already having thousand thoughts in your mind what to answer when she is finished. Its listening with the intent to understand! I find it hard but also so important and so fascinating when the other person is really with you with all their cells and moleculs! Its like, you can trust your whole being to that other person, or, you become as one. Its like, theres no need for the words anymore because sometimes presence, breathing and feeling the other’s soul is all that you need to really understand each other!
And oh, how much our bodies have to say, if we really listen!

What if.. ?


I think the best thing is just constantly imagine yourself being 80, sitting in a rocking chair and looking back on your life. Think about all the possibilities you are being presented each day and ask: “Would my 80-year old self would be happy with all this?” “Did I do everything what my soul craved for or did left something undone because of fear, circumstances, pain or somebody else?”

Models: Nicolas Sibani and Adishakti Celosse

More about my acroyoga and photography work on my Instagram: hansenkristinphotography and facebook page: Hansen Kristin Photography & Acroyoga

“All you need is Love!”

I have been thinking about being naive lately. Is it actually possible to be naive?! I believe in trust, which is actually pretty much the same as being naive, its just that people associate it with something negative. I think its not, it simply means that your beliefs that world is a good place are stronger than anything else. It means something inside you is so much bigger than all the fears together! It means letting go, expecting only the best and with expecting I do not mean expectations, I mean that you just trust the whole Universe and let things flow..

Few years ago, in my sweet little town of Estonia there was a construction inside of one well-known building my mother used to work. Everybody had the chance to write something on the walls before they renovated it. Little me wrote there on the wall:


After what I heared a laugh behind me and an older man saying:”Haha, you naive little girl, it is never enough!”

I have to admit that I took it really strongly. I wasnt so young but I was more fragile I am today. In some ways I believed him (Well, I was in the age of discovering myself). Hearing something like this from quite a successful man, was something that influenced my ways of seeing and, in general, my life quite a lot! I was a bit scared that maybe he is true, maybe I am too naive and maybe everybody else thinks the same..

Today I know that he was wrong! Yes, there are some basic needs we need to fulfill but in the end, nothing is actually more important than love!

“No one is going to stand up at your funeral and say, “She had a really expensive couch and great shoes.”

I have met amazing men during these last years – strong and confident about who they are and what they have, at the same time sharing it all from pure heart without expecting things back. They have taught me a lot about unconditional love. I have met amazingly beautiful and strong women who know how wonderful they are but doesnt use it against, rather for helping life around them to improve! I have learned so much about what really matters and what matters less!

I wanted to share my story with this photo because my dear friends Armin and Katriin, who have an amazing union between her beautiful and divine being and his strong, at the same time so fragile, kind and loving heart. I admire and love them a lot! I am grateful so for their approval of sharing this photo because they have shared so much more with me –  time, life, bodies and soul! I had amazing photoshoot, amazing materials but I will publish only this photo! Thank you, my dear friends, love and light!

Follow me here:
Hansen Kristin – Photography & Acroyoga
Instagram: hansenkristinphotography


“The difference between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life is only a matter of perspective. Pull the blinds. Look around you. It is a mad, mad world and you do not require ten digit bank accounts to immerse yourself in it. Travel down dusty roads without a destination in mind. Climb a mountain and scream out into the void. Kiss the hell out of a stranger. Skinny dip in a lake. Get lost and lose yourself (they are two separate things). Explore the wilderness (especially the one within). Think less of destiny and more of the moment right here. Because when you are old and ill with your loved ones around you, fame won’t matter, nor will the extent of your wealth. You are the sum of the stories you can tell.”
– Beau Taplin

Models: Lidia Almeida and Tânia Rodrigues
MUA: One and only – naturality

Thank you, Universe, for the acrobats

So grateful for having the chance of binding two things what my soul loves the most – photography and acroyoga!

5 years ago I wouldnt have guessed I end up here – as looking myself, being a flexible yogy girl, travelling around the world, taking photos of wonderful athletes who I can call my family of the Universe!!!

Being a freelancer is not always easy but it sure gives me the full freedom to do whatever I want, where ever I feel!
So, thank you, Universe, for the acrobats! ❤️❤️
More photos on my facebook page:
Hansen Kristin Photography & Acroyoga
Instagram: hansenkristinphotography

Acroyoga Montreal teacher training, Orvieto Italy

I did my acroyoga teacher training. These photos are just small moments during this wonderful training. Only few extraordinary moments I had time to capture because my focus was only on training, still..
I have loads of precious memories, some I can share here!

More photos on my facebook:


Wild Camping in the South

ENG: Portugal is one of the countries what has blessed with all the best – mountains and ocean. Every year they hold here the competition of surfing the world´s biggest waves but besides that Portugal has also wonderful nature. Yes, those mountains are not the biggest here but for me – an estonian girl are these mountains more than enough! Our biggest mountain Munamägi (318m) comparing to Portuguese Serra da Estrela (1993m) is just a little hill! But lets keep the mountains and forests for the next time. This time I want to talk about south Portugal, which is known as the hottest and most visited tourist area in Portugal. Around there we spent our first 4 days.

EST: Portugal on üks riikidest, mida on õnnistatud kõige kõige paremaga – mäed ja ookean! Lisaks sellele, et siin toimuvad iga-aastaselt maailma kõige suurematel lainetel surfamise võistlused, on siin ka imeline loodus. Jah, need mäed pole küll kõige suuremad, kuid minu, kui eestlase jaoks on need ikka rohkem kui lihtsalt „hea“. Meie kõrgeim tipp – 318m Suur Munamäegi Portugali 2000meetrise Serra da Estrela kõrval on ikka künkake! Jätame need mäed ja metsad järgmiseks korraks. Sel korral räägin ma hoopiski Portugali lõuna piirkonnast, mida tuntakse kui kõige kuumemat ja külastatuimat turistipiirkonda Portugalis, justnimelt seal veetsimegi me oma esimesed 4 päeva.


ENG: Directly after arriving to Porto from Paris, my dearest friend picked us up from the airport and took to his place to rest because it had been long and crazy few weeks in Europe and even more adventures were waiting. In despite of that we actually started dancing, which lasted till the early morning hours. Yes, this is the reason why I like here – you never know!

EST: Otse pärast lennukilt mahahüppamist korjas minu suure südamega sõber meid autoga lennujaamast peale, viis enda poole, et meid siis kohe „puhkama“ panna. Kuna jõudsime päris hilja, selja taga oli juba mitu nädalat seiklusi Euroopas (sellest räägin lähemalt mõni teine kord) ja unemati ei jätnud jonni ning püüdis igatepidi meid oma unetolmuga magama panna. Juhtus ikkagi nii, et pärast kohale jõudmist, dussi, väikest näksi, hakkasime me hoopiski tantsima. See trall kestis hommikutundideni! Jah, just sellepärast mulle siin meeldibki, sest you never know mis juhtuda võib!



ENG: Lets get to the point now. Portugal is quite short from one way to other. You may get from Spain to ocean with few hours, the other way its a bit longer. Our adventure started near the capital, Lisboa. Lagoa de Albufeira, Sesimbra, which is known as the surfers paradise. In despite of all the surfers there we decided to go for a swimm and made our dinner-picnic there on top of the little hill. After what we drove to the place called Serra da Arrabida, in Setubal, where we spent our first night. The beach locates around half an hour drive from Sesimbra and is well known by its tasty fish and picturesque beaches.The prices are considerable, for example, our lunch for 3 costed almost 100 euros. And it was worth it! Before the lunch, during the lunch and even directly after we like cliff-diving. My friends went to catch the dessert LITERALLY from the bottom of the ocean. Check the video here:

EST: Aga asume siis asja kallale, Portugal on ühtepidi päris lühike, Hispaaniast ookeanini võid saada nii umbes paari tunniga, teisipidi aga kulub veidi rohkem aega. Meie seiklus algaski Portugali pealinna Lissaboni lähedal Lagoa de Albufeira´s, Sesimbras. See koht on tuntud kui lõhesurvarite paradiis. Hoolimata kümnetest lohesurfaritest  ujusime ookeanis ning pidasime sealse künkakese otsas päikeseloojangul piknikut. Edasi põrtuasime kohta nimega Serra da Arrabida, mis asub Setubalis. Kus veetsime oma esimese öö. Umbes poole tunnikese kaugusel olev rand on väga tuntud nii turistide kui ka kohalike seas. Sealsed restoranid pakuvad otse värskelt püütud mereande, hinnad on ka päris krõbedad! Näiteks meie, kolme peale kulutasime pea 100 eurot eelroa ja pearoaga. Aga oli tõesti väärt.  Pärast lõunasööki, enne lõunasööki ja isegi lõunasöögi ajal meeldib meile „cliff diving“ut harrastada. Sõna otseses mõttes läksid minu sõbrad magustoitu ise ookeanipõhjast püüdma. Videot saad näha siin:


ENG: At the end of the second day we drove even more to the south, to Portimao, where we slept in another beach, Praia da Rocha. Because nature gives us loads of good energy, we decided to go and dance in local bars. Deal it was! The only thing was that after these days we were smelling like fishermen and we even looked like we had jumped off directly from the ocean – messy hairs and faces burned by sun. Who goes to dance like this?! In Portimao there are many hotels with outdoor pools and showers. So we took our two things – towel and shampoo and walked into the pool, washed ourselves and then walked out again like nothing weird happened. So unbelievable like it is, nobody didnt say anything to us!

EST: Teise päeva õhtuks sõitsime veel rohkem lõunasse, Portimao´sse, kus ööbisime juba uues rannas, Praia da Rocha´s. Kuna looduses viibimine annab no nii palju energiat, otsustasime õhtul kohalikesse baaridesse tantsima minna. Kokku lepitud! Ainus häda oli aga selles, et olime mitu päeva ookeanivees supelnud, lõhnasime nagu kohalikud kalamehed, välja nägime ka umbes nagu oleks just merest välja karanud – juuksed takkus peas, näod päikesest ära põlenud – kes siis nii tantsima läheb?! Portimaos sees asub aga mitmeid hotelle välibasseinidega, kus on ka õueduššid olemas. Nii me siis võtsimegi oma kaks asja – käterätiku ja shampoonid, kõndisime nii muuseas hotelli basseinialasse ja hakkasime ennast pesema! Nii uskumatu kui see ka poleks, mitte keegi ei öelnud midagi!



ENG: After dancing in front of the local bars (we had two dogs with us so we couldnt go in), another night swimings in the ocean, loads of hugs and putting on the pyjamas, we fell asleep again in another paradise beach. Exactly this was the view when I opened my eyes in the morning.. May say it is the million dollar hotel!

EST: Tantsud tantsitud, öösuplemised ookeanis tehtud ja soojad riided selga aetud, nii uinusimegi taaskord uues rannas. Just täpselt sellise vaatepildiga ärkasin ma hommikul.. Võiks öelda, et see ongi miljoni dollari hotell!


ENG: In the morning we continued our way to Cascada do Moinho da Rocha where we gathered a lot of oranges and played Tarzans in the place called Tavira, Pego do Inferno, Santo Esteväo (watch video here: Which is known by its wonderful waterfall and beautiful river. During the summer when its very hot, you may only find few meter deep puddle!

EST: Hommikul jätkasime oma teekonda Cascada do Moinho da Rocha poole, kus korjasime kottideviisi apelsine ning mängisime tarsaneid kohas nimega Tavira – Pego do Inferno, Santo Esteväo (vaata videot siin: See koht on kevadeti tuntud kui imeilusa kose ja jõega paik, praegu – kuumadel ilmadel oli seal kõigest paari meetri sügavune lombike!

ENG: Our remembable journey ended 5 hours later,trying to see the sunset in Nazare rather in the beach of Obido, Foz do Arelho. We were racing with the sun until we managed to see the last minutes of the sunset swimming in that paradise.

EST: Meie uskumatu ja meeldejääv seiklus lõppes aga 5 tundi hiljem, suure kiirustamisega näha päikeseloojangut Nazares (just täpselt seal, kus toimubad suurte lainete võistlused) aga hoopiski Obido rannas Foz do Arelho. Jooksime päikesega võidu otse jääkülma ookeanisse ja veetsime viimased minutid vees.


ENG: For sure I will remember all those creative cliff-dives, salsa classes in super random places and morning naked swimmings, entartaining the local lifeguards.

EST: Kohe kindlasti jään ma mäletama kõiki neid kaljudelt vette hüppamisi, suvalistest kohtades salsatamisi ja hommikuti paljaid ujumisi, kohalike rannapoiste meelt lahutades.